the 1st Pilotless Bomber Squadron at Bitburg AB, Matador
the 11th Pilotless Bomber Squadron at Sembach AB, Matador
the 69th Pilotless Bomber Squadron at Hahn AB, Matador
the 310th Tactical Missile Squadron 58th TMG at Osan, Korea, Matador
the 17th, renamed the 868th Tactical Missile Squadron at Tainan, Taiwan, Matador
the 873rd Tactical Missile Squadron, 498th Tactical Missile Group at Kadena, Okinawa, Mace "B"
the 874th Tactical Missile Squadron, 498th Tactical Missile Group at Kadena, Okinawa, Mace "B"
the 71st Tactical Missile Squadron, 38th TMW, at Bitburg AB, Matador, Mace "B"
the 89th Tactical Missile Squadron, 38th TMW, at Hahn AB, Matador, Mace "A"
the 405th Tactical Missile Squadron, 38th TMW, at Hahn AB, Matador, Mace "A"
the 822nd Tactical Missile Squadron, 38th TMW, at Sembach AB, Matador, Mace"A"
the 823rd Tactical Missile Squadron 38th TMW, at Sembach AB, Matador, Mace"A"
the 887th Tactical Missile Squadrons 38th TMW, at Sembach AB, Matador, Mace"A"